Marmara University Rare Books Collection consists of works provided by donation and are still extant from Hamidiye Ticaret Mekteb-i Âlisi, which was founded in 1883 and formed the basis of Marmara University.The notes and various records on the books are other factors that make our collection, which is mainly manuscripts and Turkish printed books with old letters, valuable along with the book arts and contents of the books. Turks, spread across three continents, have a deep-rooted history and culture with the importance they attach to art, artists and science. Our duty is to protect the books that have survived until today and to protect the heritage of our ancestors by bringing them together with the reader. For this purpose, these rare books in our Libraries were cleaned, classified, cataloged before they were transferred to digital media and repeated shots were prevented by separating double copies. Rare books that have not been cataloged to date or have only been made available to the user in card catalogs have been designed in such a way that they can be scanned from a single interface and decoded for everyone unconditionally.
1964 Manuscripts, 6781 Printed Books with Old Letters, 581 Rare Books with Latin Letters, 715 Volumes of Periodicals, a total of 1,721,000 pages of the Digital Collection, created by shooting, was opened to all researchers free of charge based on the principle of unhindered access to information.

This page updated by Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı on 16.07.2024 09:17:19