Turkey Document Provision and Borrowing System (TÜBESS)

Marmara University Libraries can request up to 5 theses daily via TÜBESS. Printed copies of the theses are provided to users requesting them. The decision to provide research services via the Turkey Document Provision and Borrowing System (TÜBESS), operated by TÜBİTAK - ULAKBİM, for older theses (pre-2006) without digital publishing permission from the National Thesis Center of the Higher Education Council was approved during the Higher Education Executive Board meeting on May 13, 2014. According to the aforementioned decision and the obligations of requesting institutions as outlined in Section 6.3.5 of the TÜBESS Participation Protocol:

a- Member libraries of TÜBESS will forward requests from researchers to the Higher Education Council Thesis Center.
b- The Thesis Center will electronically send the requested thesis to the university library.
c- Libraries will deliver printed copies of the electronically provided theses to researchers for individual research purposes.
d- Libraries will delete the documents provided to researchers from the computer system and will not archive them in any way.
e- For theses after 2006, restrictions may be imposed temporarily, starting from the approval date of the thesis, based on reasons such as the thesis author's ongoing publication process with a publisher or related patent applications, but only through Institute decision. Attention should be paid to explanations regarding the status of the relevant thesis when clicking on the thesis number.
f- Documents provided via TÜBESS are intended strictly for educational and research purposes; therefore, requests must comply with this condition. No commercial transactions may be conducted using the provided resources.

This page updated by Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı on 16.07.2024 08:37:51