24/7 Study Room Usage Request Form

   "Marmara University Open Access System" has been established within the scope of Marmara University Institutional Academic Archive Studies by the Departments of Library and Documentation,  in order to increase the visibility of all kinds of academic studies of our academic personnel published as open access on various platforms and to ensure that they are collated in international open access indexes.
    For this purpose, in accordance with the ​Marmara University Open Access System Policy,​ in order for your current academic studies and all future academic studies to be included in the DSpace Marmara platform (http://openaccess.marmara.edu.tr), the form must be filled in completely and the academic study file must be uploaded.
    Thank you for your cooperation and wish you success in your academic studies.

This page updated by Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı on 05.03.2025 14:08:07